We are a people of the Holy Spirit, seeking to experience the tangible presence of God both when we gather together and in our day-to-day interactions. We firmly believe that we are uniquely created to achieve extraordinary things. There are no "superstars"—everyone gets to play.
We are an authentic community where no one has to pretend to 'have it all together' to be part of family. We believe that poverty of spirit - and not religious superiority - is the entry point to the Kingdom of Heaven and that walking with the Holy Spirit is the only way to find freedom and wholeness.
We are generous with ourselves. Generous with our time. Generous with our resources. We understand that our generosity brings life and that who we are and what we have is not only wanted but is very much needed for family to flourish.
We are a people who are audacious in our beliefs. We have the audacity to believe the best of people and honor who God has made them to be. We have the audacity to believe that God means what He says and as crazy as some of His promises are, we choose to take Him seriously enough to risk everything to see them come to pass.
In our community, we see feasting as a sign of the Kingdom, and celebration as the overflow of a life filled with gratitude—after all, God throws the best parties. This jubilant spirit defines our gatherings, our interactions, and our outlook on the Kingdom. We believe that for the Christian, bread and wine is the happiest meal on earth.
We recognize that God has graced the body with gifts (Eph 4:11-16) that are key resourcing gifts to the church. The apostolic & prophetic, as foundational gifts for all the other gifts to flourish (Eph 2:20-22), have been particularly significant in the shaping of The Table. These gifts bring a ‘heaven to earth’ perspective & mobilize believers to defy cultural & religious idols in order to see the Kingdom advance in & through us. We believe God designed these gifts to provoke our thinking towards heavenly realities (ie the making of mature disciples by the renewing of our minds) & to provoke our doing towards
Our desire is to see deeply rooted disciples multiplying & being sent out from our community. We believe we are called to grow DEEP - that disciples are called to maturity, fruitfulness, & relationships marked by authenticity & radical love. We believe too that God has called The Table to grow WIDE - to reach many people in this city + reproduce what He establishes in Boston, elsewhere in the nations. We believe God for the shaping of the landscape of the city physically (establishing a presence & a building in the heart of the city), culturally (impacting how the city thinks & resisting cultural idols), & practically (partnering together to serve the needs of the city).
We believe that equality across gender, race, age & background is a deeply biblical concept. We see equality established repeatedly throughout scripture as the blueprint design of God - in the inauguration of creation (Genesis 1&2), in the inauguration of the new covenant (John 20) in the inauguration of the church (Acts 1&2), in the coming of the Spirit (Acts 2, 1 Cor 12), & in the realization of the age to come (Rev 7:9). It is our delight to see men & women of diverse colors & ages serving The Table in every context of leadership & church life in accordance with their God-given gifts.
At the heart of The Table there is both a deep value for scripture & an unashamed, radical pursuit of the person of the Holy Spirit, His presence, & His gifts amongst us. We love studying and preaching the word - submitting our lives to being shaped by scripture. And we wholeheartedly surrender to the Spirit - recognizing God amongst us - and lean on Him for understanding, obeying, & demonstrating the word.
We believe ‘church’ can’t be fully realized if it is confined to the realm of theology or individual experience. The Bible forces us towards a tangible expression of church in the sanctifying realm of flesh + blood community: Come, Belong, Serve, Give. At The Table, we’re building a community of disciples that really love each other (John 13:35) and are committed to gathering together as the manifold wisdom of God on display in our city (Eph 3:10). Equally, we recognize that the rule & reign of God is not limited to the confines of church buildings & gatherings but is intended too for so-called ‘secular spaces’, the church being deployed as ambassadors of the truth & the power of God across our city.
We recognize that God has graced the body with gifts (Eph 4:11-16) that are key resourcing gifts to the church. The apostolic & prophetic, as foundational gifts for all the other gifts to flourish (Eph 2:20-22), have been particularly significant in the shaping of The Table. These gifts bring a ‘heaven to earth’ perspective & mobilize believers to defy cultural & religious idols in order to see the Kingdom advance in & through us. We believe God designed these gifts to provoke our thinking towards heavenly realities (ie the making of mature disciples by the renewing of our minds) & to provoke our doing towards demonstrating these realities (ie the making of empowered disciples by equipping for ministry in the everyday).
We believe ‘church’ can’t be fully realized if it is confined to the realm of theology or individual experience. The Bible forces us towards a tangible expression of church in the sanctifying realm of flesh + blood community: Come, Belong, Serve, Give. At The Table, we’re building a community of disciples that really love each other (John 13:35) and are committed to gathering together as the manifold wisdom of God on display in our city (Eph 3:10). Equally, we recognize that the rule & reign of God is not limited to the confines of church buildings & gatherings but is intended too for so-called ‘secular spaces’, the church being deployed as ambassadors of the truth & the power of God across our city.
At the heart of The Table there is both a deep value for scripture & an unashamed, radical pursuit of the person of the Holy Spirit, His presence, & His gifts amongst us. We love studying and preaching the word - submitting our lives to being shaped by scripture. And we wholeheartedly surrender to the Spirit - recognizing God amongst us - and lean on Him for understanding, obeying, & demonstrating the word.
Our desire is to see deeply rooted disciples multiplying & being sent out from our community. We believe we are called to grow DEEP - that disciples are called to maturity, fruitfulness, & relationships marked by authenticity & radical love. We believe too that God has called The Table to grow WIDE - to reach many people in this city + reproduce what He establishes in Boston, elsewhere in the nations. We believe God for the shaping of the landscape of the city physically (establishing a presence & a building in the heart of the city), culturally (impacting how the city thinks & resisting cultural idols), & practically (partnering together to serve the needs of the city).
We believe that equality across gender, race, age & background is a deeply biblical concept. We see equality established repeatedly throughout scripture as the blueprint design of God - in the inauguration of creation (Genesis 1&2), in the inauguration of the new covenant (John 20) in the inauguration of the church (Acts 1&2), in the coming of the Spirit (Acts 2, 1 Cor 12), & in the realization of the age to come (Rev 7:9). It is our delight to see men & women of diverse colors & ages serving The Table in every context of leadership & church life in accordance with their God-given gifts.
The Table Boston stands firmly in the center of orthodox Christian teaching and practice. We draw from the rich traditions of the Church throughout history and we adhere to its major creeds: the Apostle's Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed. We believe the Bible’s claim that ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (NIV). At the same time we hold lightly convictions from scripture that are legitimately debated by Christians.
Katia Adams
Julian Adams
Darren Rouanzoin 
Jeshua Glanzmann
Michael Miller
It is a joy to walk alongside other communities who are passionately pursuing Jesus and seeing the Kingdom come. We consider the churches below family to The Table Boston, and benefit from the input of their leaders.
Who is Jesus?
The person of Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith as a Christian community. But who is Jesus? Discover more about Him by clicking the link below.
Plan your visit:
Every Sunday we meet for worship, communion, and teaching. Click the link below to find out more about what to expect from Sundays at The Table.
Office Hours:
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday - Friday
Mailing Address:
PO Box 171629,
Boston, MA 02117