A church in the city, for the city.

Our Vision

Love God. Love Boston.

Change the World.

Our core values

001 Supernatural

We are a people of the Holy Spirit, seeking to experience the tangible presence of God both when we gather together and in our day-to-day interactions. We firmly believe that we are uniquely created to achieve extraordinary things. There are no "superstars"—everyone gets to play. 

002 Open

We are an authentic community where no one has to pretend to 'have it all together' to be part of family. We believe that poverty of spirit - and not religious superiority - is the entry point to the Kingdom of Heaven and that walking with the Holy Spirit is the only way to find freedom and wholeness.

003 Generous

We are generous with ourselves. Generous with our time. Generous with our resources. We understand that our generosity brings life and that who we are and what we have is not only wanted but is very much needed for family to flourish.

004 Audacious

We are a people who are audacious in our beliefs. We have the audacity to believe the best of people and honor who God has made them to be. We have the audacity to believe that God means what He says and as crazy as some of His promises are, we choose to take Him seriously enough to risk everything to see them come to pass.

005 Jubilant

In our community, we see feasting as a sign of the Kingdom, and celebration as the overflow of a life filled with gratitude—after all, God throws the best parties. This jubilant spirit defines our gatherings, our interactions, and our outlook on the Kingdom. We believe that for the Christian, bread and wine is the happiest meal on earth.

Our beliefs.

The Table Boston stands firmly in the center of orthodox Christian teaching and practice. We draw from the rich traditions of the Church throughout history and we adhere to its major creeds: the Apostle's Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed. We believe the Bible’s claim that ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (NIV). At the same time we hold lightly convictions from scripture that are legitimately debated by Christians.


The Table staff:

The Table Board of Directors

Katia Adams

Julian Adams

Darren Rouanzoin ï»¿

Jeshua Glanzmann

Michael Miller 

Our friends and family

It is a joy to walk alongside other communities who are passionately pursuing Jesus and seeing the Kingdom come. We consider the churches below family to The Table Boston, and benefit from the input of their leaders.

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